Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Well hidey hi!

"Lethargic" they said. "Lazy" they called him. "Blog-shy" - the list is endless. But..........................
He's back!

You read 'Simon Says' dear viewers at a festive time of year. I'm sure it is the same with you: Christmas lights, cheerful shoppers, and goodwill aplenty. Cheerful and goodwill would be pushing it fine on a fiery, cluttered afternoon in the Bath Xmas Market.

Looks all cosy and seasonally appropriate doesn't it? Don't be fooled. There's only one safe way to enter the centre of Bath in December.

Sadly though I do not have a legion or cohort at my disposal so I venture into the City by stealth.

Gladly I will be safely tucked away in the gym on Saturday so will be far from the madding crowd. Bah Humbug!

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