Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The Anger Games

The hot topic on everyone's lips at the moment seems to be the Olympics. We're all deciding whether we give the slightest shit about it or not.

I think it'll be interesting mainly to see which countries haven't fallen out with each other by the end. The games haven't even technically started yet and already North Korea has thrown a strop with Scotland and South Korea over the latter's flag flying high over Hampden Park where their ladies were playing football.

Presumably Kim-Jong Un doesn't see the need for a foreign relations minister as one worth their salt would've told him that the last place you want to kick off is Glasgow. "Your nuclear weapons won't wash here pal. What do you think we wear under our kilts?"

Other feisty tĂȘte-a-tĂȘtes include America v Russia/China, Israel v the rest of the Middle East, and England v pretty much all of Europe. This might go some way to explaining why London looks like Berlin circa 1939 at the moment.

But perhaps the most volatile factor of all is the ever present possibility that Mayor of London Boris Johnson might make comments of a: racist, xenophobic, sectarian, Islamophobic or sexist, (delete as applicable) nature.

And that to me is the perfect justification for flooding the capital with troops, anti-aircraft missiles and a sea of snipers. The troops as protection from some pissed off countries and the snipers to take out Boris.

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