Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Its the end of the world as we know it!

Its now 2012. Apart from floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and the end of the world I expect this year to be a good one.

If its any consolation medieval Prophet to the Kings Nostradamus predicted we've still got a couple of years left. That might not be a consolation if you're a suicidal Scot with a drinking problem.

"4 more years and we're out of whiskey?!"

Seeing as England has decided its no longer friends with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and the notoriously lonely Kim Jong-Il has died, it will be interesting to see how long Barack Obama's finger stays off America's military trigger.

To me the American presidency is like a game of Goldeneye. If you're an amateur then you're just itching for a chance to spray bullets like a London Metropolitan Police officer.

Whoever has hidden the Doomsday Device trigger button deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Ditto to whoever performs the same role in the Kremlin. There must be times when its hard to slip the Rohypnol into Putin's Vodka...

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