Thursday, 29 December 2011

A truffling matter

There have been famous losses to civilization in millennia gone by. Plato recorded the tale of the once great city of Atlantis disappearing into the depths of the sea as a result of severe meteorological activity.

In both the Bible and Indiana Jones the elusive Ark of the Covenant is sort after.
More recently, during the 2nd World War the portrait of the 'Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies' was sadly lost forever.

The 21st century and the new millennium have barely started and already the list grows larger. There was a time when a box of Celebrations was a box of chocolate worth having. When it held a sweet savoured by man and woman. When it was home to the Galaxy Truffle!

The truffle is no longer part of the "sparkling" selection. This is no selection, and there is no sparkle. Bring back the truffle. Bring it back now...

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