With all the toing and froing of the move lately I have been through multiple phases of internet and TV usage. No internet, using SkyGo, no TV or internet, mobile internet and now on both phone and PC.
I was horrified to discover while Xmas shopping yesterday that I was a bit Larry Flint. Better than being a James Blunt, but still a bit of a shock.
Having previously been certain I had only paid for 1 month's SkyGo, it was an even bigger surprise to find out they had charged me for a 2nd month beginning but 2 days ago.
This went some way to explaining my financial predicament. I spoke to a helpful Sky employee who I trust was not tapping my phone.
The timing of my call appears to have been in the very nick of time as the young Murdoch protégé was able to cancel this month's subscription and refund me.
Perhaps Mr. Murdoch is not as bad as people make out and is a modern day Scrooge. Tight-fisted, but good hearted. For he's a jolly good fellow!!
He's a cunt.
Happy Christmas.
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