Thursday, 25 August 2011

Champions League

For those of you out there who are Spurs fans that's C-H-A-M...

Not a lot to cheer of late if you're a Gooner. Nasri and Fabregas both cowardly deserted the club in its hour of need. That coupled with an uncharacteristic loss to an over-rated Liverpool side, and fan unrest has left the Arsenal world a little bedraggled.

The sleeping giant awoke tonight though, if only for a little while, to celebrate qualifying for the Champions League proper. A feat that sides who have spent more money *cough* Tottenham *cough* haven't managed that often in their history (once you sad bastards - hahaha!)

My August has been quite busy with extra hours working at the gym and the odd day trip with friends. Weymouth 1 week and a 16 mile walk the next. The walk was more notable for what happened afterwards. In the evening a bunch of us attempted a BBQ which almost set the whole field alight.

Most importantly the lovely Jemma turned 21 recently. I had the pleasure of watching the 'Inbetweeners' film with her and some of her friends. One of the high points of the film being when Will argued with a pool attendant as to why disabled people should get reserved sunbeds.

Stay tuned. More frequent blogging will be forthcoming come the start of September.

1 comment:

Sean said...

when will you blog again?