Monday, 20 June 2011

Monsters and in breds - another night at Kitson's..

Saturday night Mr. Watkins and I joined Mr. K for pizza, pasta and X-Files. Last week we ate Pizza from Sloppy Joe's. Yesterday we reverted to type - the Italian with the crazy chef.

Kitson started off ordering his usual Mushroom and fungus pizza. At least I presume that's what he asked for. Being very cosmopolitan he braved some Italian. I'm not sure what "Bappa di boopy? Beepy di boopy di babay di babay di!" means, but Watkins and I were left very impressed.

After we had eaten Mr. Kitson started waving a "spider-catcher" around and threatening to use it on us if we didn't watch some X-Files.

For an in depth account of the episodes see

They include: an angry in bred family on the rampage and Mulder and Scully hunting Nessie..sort of. Safe to say Watkins and I chose the wise option and were unharmed. I fear next time we may not be so lucky...

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