Thursday, 16 December 2010

Is it Christmas yet?

When your favourite football team losing to Satan's bollocks is arguably not the worst thing to have happened in the last few days you know its bad.

Amidst unmentionable turd I was cheered up slightly by watching "Deep Throat". Not a porno, but the second episode of X Files season 1. Mulder drags Scully out to a town near an army base where soldiers have returned from duty sans marbles.

A supposedly stoned and young looking Seth Green helps Mulder into an army base where U.F.O.'s have been sighted. Mulder catches a glimpse of the coolest ever looking army plane and then gets his memory wiped.

My favourite line: *Mulder to Scully with some obscure branch of National Security bloke banging on his car window* "Do you think if we ignore him he'll just go away?"

Anyway, lots of Christmas shopping left to do so no doubt my elbows will be needed to barge through hordes of silly women. Hope you're all feeling festive and Christmassy. With a bit of luck I will be by this time next week. Happy Holidays!

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